


Confinement #6 : on a eu chaud !

Containment #6: It was warm !

Status of beverage stock on 20/03 and 31/05/2020

Containment, let’s look at the bright side : We had stock but now it is time to finish up with it !

Confinement #5, la confiance règne.

Containment, let’s look at the bright side : we are saving on haircuts.

– Well, if it fails, they’ll grow back anyway !

Take care > Stay home

Confinement #4, c’est le printemps.

Containment, let’s look at the bright side : we are feeling lucky to have a garden.

Confinement #3, vacances en confinement.

Containment, let’s look at the bright side: never has the house been so tidy.

– So, you get out of the drawer the pants and the jumpers and the t-shirts.

– We pack, we go on vacation after all?

– No honey, sorry, we’re just sorting out clothes for Oxfam.

Confinement #2, boulot, boulot, boulot.

Containment, let’s look at the bright side: we are faster in the office and even in meeting.

Greasy hair: who cares? No make up: who cares ? Same jumper since days: who cares ? Same sweater for 3 days: who cares ?

Take care > Stay home

Confinement #1, fin de la 1ère semaine.

Containment, let’s look at the bright side: at least we are together.

Take care > Stay home

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